Mapping out (A process we’ve yet to begin, but just to give you an idea of where I’ll be headed, and if you have any suggestions or places to crash comments are more than welcome!)
- Chicago
- Yellowstone National Park
- New Orleans
- Somewhere around the Great Lakes
- Seattle
- LA
- San Francisco
- Albuquerque
Included in the mapping out part is the where the hell are we sleeping part.
- We’ll need to find places to stay, cheap motels and things just to get a rough estimate of costs
- We plan on doing a bit of camping hence the choice locations. It’ll be a fun addition to the trip, and hopefully will decrease the cost.
Prior to the Trip…
- I’m envisioning a shopping spree at Costco and Target to gather some travelling supplies like food, laundry detergent, other provisions. Non perishables will help us get through a lot of the trip. Whatever that will be able to make it through the heat in car is coming!
- We’ll need to get a first aid kit and a roadside kit, flashlights.. just to be safe
- I wanna learn to change a tire, and maybe any other simple car things that if we are not near a WiFi hot spot, we can do ourselves without looking it up.
That’s all I can think of now. If you have done an extensive road trip, and would like to give any input, please do! I would love to know what places worth going to!
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