

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Meesy Phone Home

Meesy Phone Home

This post is gonna be a little off topic, but it kinda has to do with the trip so I’m writing down my thoughts here anyhow.

For a while, I’ve been waiting for the most perfect smartphone to come out..since I’m up for a contract renewal i’ve been waiting for-ev-er. I waited and waited for the iPhone to hit verzion. I didnt get it right away because i figured i’d wait for the iPhone 5. Plus the whole not being flashplayer capable is not cool..Well regardless, the 5 is not coming out til September and i cant possibly wait that long. I need a smartphone for this trip. I think its best i get a smart phone that is capable of being a hotspot, which is why im favoring the idea of getting the HTC Thunderbolt.

Since i have absolutely no knowledge of android phones or software, I have relied on a heavty amount of googling to find answers and information.

I hate to buy a phone that is the first of any kind. First generation devices always face complications. I dont wanna be on this trip, lost, with a dead phone.

I’ve found out some interesting information about the Thunderbolt. There may be some conflict with the face talk feature…since skype doesnt come pre-installed. Also, there are apps that i can not delete..which i guess is no big deal if i have a lot of memory. Other than the fact that 4g is a rareity, it will be expanding, and therefore having a quick phone all the time will be awesome.


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